Brandon N. Bledsoe

Ph.D. Student – University of Cincinnati Department of Criminal Justice


August 2024 CV

Brandon is a Ph.D. student in the University of Cincinnati’s School of Criminal Justice. His research interests include community-police relations, procedural justice, crime and place, and extremist ideologies. He received his B.A. in Criminal Justice and Psychology from the University of Washington – Tacoma in 2021. Brandon went on to earn is M.A. in Criminal Justice at Seattle University where he served as Managing Editor for the Western Society of Criminology’s Journal of Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, and served as a Research Analyst on the Seattle Police Department’s Micro-Community Policing Plans (MCPP). As a MCPP Research Analyst, Brandon co-facilitated weekly restorative justice-based community-police dialogues, and distributed and analyzed the 2022 annual Seattle Public Safety Survey. He also assisted with MCPP’s expansion to the Denver Police Department in 2023. Brandon’s dedication to his work and service in numerous other leadership positions at Seattle University led to his selection for the 2023 Norm Maleng Academic Excellence & Citizenship Award, and the Colleges of Arts & Sciences Leadership & Professional Engagement Award.